vineri, 15 noiembrie 2019

Black Sabbath - Iron Man

"Iron Man" is a song written and performed by the English heavy metal band Black Sabbath, released on their 1970 album “Paranoid”. The lyrics tell the story of a man who time travels into the future and sees the apocalypse. In the process of returning to the present, he is turned into steel by a magnetic storm. He is rendered mute, unable verbally to warn people of his vision of impending destruction. His attempts to communicate are ignored and mocked. This causes Iron Man to become furious, and drives his revenge on mankind, causing the apocalypse seen in his vision.
Upon hearing the main guitar riff for the first time, vocalist Ozzy Osbourne remarked that it sounded "like a big iron bloke walking about". The title became "Iron Man", with Geezer Butler writing the lyrics around the title. Osbourne sang behind a metal fan to get the sound effect in its first line, 'I am Iron Man!'. Despite the title, the song has no connection to the Marvel Comics character of the same name, although it was used in the end credits of the 2008 movie Iron Man, and the trailer for the 2010 sequel, Iron Man 2; the superhero also wears a Black Sabbath T-Shirt during the events of The Avengers.The song was also used in Monster Jam for the Iron Man truck's theme.

“Iron Man” este un cantec scris si interpretat de trupa engleza de heavy metal Black Sabbath, lansat pe albumul lor din 1970 “Paranoid”. Versurile spun povestea unui om care calatoreste in timp in viitor si vede Apocalipsa. In procesul reintoarcerii in prezent el se transforma in otel datorita unei furtuni magnetice. Devine mut, incapabil de a vorbi si a avertiza oamenii de viziunea sa despre iminenta distrugere. Incercarile lui de a comunica sunt ignorate si luate in ras. Aceasta face ca Iron Man sa devina furios si conduce la razbunarea lui pe omenire, cauzand Apocalipsa vazuta de el in viziunea sa.
Dupa ce a auzit prima data riff-ul de chitara, vocalistul Ozzy Osbourne a remarcat ca suna  “asemenea mersului unui individ de fier”. Titlul a devenit “Iron Man” (omul de fier), cu Geezer Butler scriind versurile. Osbourne a cantat in spatele unui fan metalist pentru a obtine efectul sonor in primul rand, “Eu sunt omul de fier!”. In ciuda titlului, cantecul nu are nici o legatura cu personajul din Marvel Comics cu acelasi nume, desi a fost folosit in filmul din 2008 Iron Man si in trailer-ul pentru seria din 2010 Iron Man 2; supereroul poarta de asemenea un tricou Black Sabbath in timpul evenimentelor din filmul “The Avengers”. Cantecul a fost folosit si in Monster Jam pentru tema camionului lui Iron Man.