joi, 15 august 2019

Anton Bruckner- Simfonia nr.5

The Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (WAB 105) of Anton Bruckner was written in 1875–1876, with minor changes over the next two years. It came at a time of trouble and disillusion for the composer: a lawsuit, from which he was exonerated, and a reduction in salary. Dedicated to Karl von Stremayr, education minister in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the symphony has at times been nicknamed the “Tragic,” the “Church of Faith” or the “Pizzicato”; Bruckner himself referred to it as the “Fantastic” without applying this or any other name formally.
The Fifth was first performed in public on two pianos by Joseph Schalk and Franz Zottmann on 20 April 1887 in the Bösendorfersaal in Vienna. The first orchestral performance — in the inauthentic “Schalk version,” with a changed orchestration in Wagnerian fashion and omitting 122 bars of the finale — was conducted by Franz Schalk in Graz on 8 April 1894. Bruckner was sick and unable to attend. He in fact never heard this symphony performed by an orchestra.

Simfonia nr. 5 in si bemol major (WAB 105) de Anton Bruckner a fost scrisa in 1875-1876, cu schimbari minore in urmatorii doi ani. A aparut intr-o vreme cand compozitorul avea necazuri si deziluzii:un proces, din care a fost exonerat, si reducerea de salariu. Dedicata ministrului educatiei din imperiul austro-ungar, Karl von Stremayr, simfonia a avut de-a lungul vremii porecle ca “Tragic”, "Biserica credintei” sau “Pizzicato”; Bruckner insusi se refera la ea cu “Fantastica”, fara a aplica insa vreo astfel de denumire sau alt nume formal.
A cincea a fost cantata public la doua piane de catre Joseph Schalk si Franz Zottmann la 20 aprilie 1887 in Bösendorfersaal din Viena. Prima interpretare orchestrala – intr-o versiune Schalk neautentica, care a schimbat orchestratia in stil wagnerian si a omis 122 de bare la final – a fost dirijata de Franz Schalk la Graz la 8 aprilie 1894. Bruckner a fost bolnav si nedisponibil de a face acest lucru. De fapt el nu a auzit aceasta simfonie interpretata orchestral niciodata.
Filarmonica din Munchen dirijata de Sergiu Celibidache - 1985