sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2016

Deep Purple - Who Do We Think We Are (Full album 1973)

“Who Do We Think We Are” is the seventh studio album by the English hard rock band Deep Purple, released in 1973. It was Deep Purple's last album with singer Ian Gillan and bassist Roger Glover until “Perfect Strangers” came out in 1984.
Musically, the record showed a move to a more blues based sound, even featuring scat singing. Although its production and the band's behavior after its release showed the group in turmoil, with frontman Gillan remarking that "we'd all had major illnesses" and felt considerable fatigue, the album was a commercial success. Deep Purple became the US' top selling artist of calendar year 1973. The album also featured the energetic hard rock single "Woman from Tokyo", which has been performed on several tours by the band over the years.
Despite massive sales, the group disintegrated among much infighting between band members as well as conflicts with their managers. The album's line-up would come to an end after a final concert in Osaka, Japan on 29 June 1973.

“Who Do You Think We Are” este al saptelea album de studio al trupei engleze de hard rock Deep Purple, lansat in 1973. A fost ultimul album al trupei cu solistul vocal Ian Gillan si basistul Roger Glover, pana ce a fost scos in 1984 “Perfect Strangers”. Muzical, inregistrarea arata o miscare a sunetului spre blues, chiar cu imitatii vocale pentru instrumente. Desi producerea lui si comportamentul trupei dupa lansare arata un grup in fierbere, cu vocalistul Gillan remarcand “am fost toti grav bolnavi” si resimtind o acuta oboseala, albumul a fost un success commercial. Deep Purple a devenit trupa nr.1 la vanzari in Statele Unite in 1973. De pe album s-a lansat si energiaca piesa de hard rock “Woman from Tokyo” pe single si care a fost cantata in cateva turnee ale trupei de-a lungul anilor urmatori.
In ciuda vanzarilor massive, grupul s-a destramat datorita conflictelor interne dintre membri si a cu managerii. Componenta a ajuns la un final la concertul de la Osaka din 29 iunie 1973.

List of tracks
Side 1
1.       "Woman from Tokyo"      5:48
2.       "Mary Long"          4:23
3.       "Super Trouper"    2:54
4.       "Smooth Dancer"  4:08

Side 2
5.       "Rat Bat Blue"       5:23
6.       "Place in Line"       6:29
7.       "Our Lady"  5:12

Deep Purple
Ian Gillan – vocals
Ritchie Blackmore – guitar
Jon Lord – keyboards
Roger Glover – bass
Ian Paice – drums, percussion

Additional personnel
Produced by Deep Purple
Martin Birch – engineer
Jeremy Gee, Nick Watterton – Rolling Stones Mobile Unit operators
Ian Paice and Roger Glover – mixing
Ian Hansford, Rob Cooksey, Colin Hart, Ron Quinton – equipment
Roger Glover and John Coletta – cover design
Peter Denenberg with Roger Glover – bonus tracks remixing (2000 edition)
Peter Mew – remastering (tracks 1-7) and mastering (tracks 8-14) at Abbey Road Studios, London (2000 edition)