“Led Zeppelin” is the eponymous debut album by English
rock band Led Zeppelin. It was released on 12 January 1969 in the United States
and on 31 March in the United Kingdom by Atlantic Records.
The album was recorded in September and October 1968 at Olympic Studios, London, shortly after the band's formation. It contains a mix of original material worked out in the first rehearsals, and covers and rearrangements of contemporary blues and folk songs. The sessions took place before the group had secured a recording contract and were paid for directly, and took 36 hours and less than £2,000 to complete. The album showed the group's fusion of blues and rock, and their take on the emerging hard rock sound was immediately commercially successful in both the UK and US. Although the album was not critically well-received when first released, critics have since come to view it in a more favourable light.
The album was recorded in September and October 1968 at Olympic Studios, London, shortly after the band's formation. It contains a mix of original material worked out in the first rehearsals, and covers and rearrangements of contemporary blues and folk songs. The sessions took place before the group had secured a recording contract and were paid for directly, and took 36 hours and less than £2,000 to complete. The album showed the group's fusion of blues and rock, and their take on the emerging hard rock sound was immediately commercially successful in both the UK and US. Although the album was not critically well-received when first released, critics have since come to view it in a more favourable light.
“Led Zeppelin” este albumul eponim de debut al trupei de
rock engleze Led Zepeplin. A fost lansat pe 12 ianuarie 1969 in Statele Unite si pe 31 martie in Marea Britanie de catre Atlantic Records.
Albumul a fost inregistrat in septembrie si octombrie 1968 la Olympic Studios din Londra, la scurt timp dupa formarea trupei. Contine un amestec de material lucrat in primele repetitii si preluari si rearanjamente de cantece de blues si de folk contemporan. Sesiunile au avut loc inainte de a se semna contractul si au fost platiti direct, totul durand 36 de ore si mai putin de 2000 de lire pentru a termina. Albumul arata fuziunea de blues si rock si preluarea lor pe sunetul de hard rock a fost un succes comercial imediat atat in Marea Britanie, cat si in Statele Unite. Desi albumul nu a fost bine primit de critica la prima lansare, de atunci incoace criticile au inceput sa-l puna totusi intr-o lumina favorabila.
Albumul a fost inregistrat in septembrie si octombrie 1968 la Olympic Studios din Londra, la scurt timp dupa formarea trupei. Contine un amestec de material lucrat in primele repetitii si preluari si rearanjamente de cantece de blues si de folk contemporan. Sesiunile au avut loc inainte de a se semna contractul si au fost platiti direct, totul durand 36 de ore si mai putin de 2000 de lire pentru a termina. Albumul arata fuziunea de blues si rock si preluarea lor pe sunetul de hard rock a fost un succes comercial imediat atat in Marea Britanie, cat si in Statele Unite. Desi albumul nu a fost bine primit de critica la prima lansare, de atunci incoace criticile au inceput sa-l puna totusi intr-o lumina favorabila.
List of tracks
Side 1
1."Good Times Bad Times"Jimmy PageJohn Paul
JonesJohn Bonham 2:46
2."Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" Anne
BredonPageRobert Plant 6:42
3."You Shook Me" Willie DixonJ. B.
Lenoir 6:28
4."Dazed and Confused" Page, inspired by Jake
Holmes 6:28
Side 2
5."Your Time Is Gonna Come" PageJones 4:34
6."Black Mountain Side" (instrumental) Page
7."Communication Breakdown"
PageJonesBonham 2:30
8."I Can't Quit You Baby"
Dixon 4:42
9."How Many More Times" PageJonesBonham 8:27
Led Zeppelin
John Bonham – drums, timpani, backing vocal
Robert Plant – lead vocal, harmonica
Jimmy Page – electric, acoustic and pedal steel guitars,
backing vocal, production
John Paul Jones – bass, organ, backing vocal
Other musician
Viram Jasani – tabla on "Black Mountain Side"
Other personnel
Chris Dreja – back cover photography
Peter Grant – executive production
George Hardie – cover design
Glyn Johns – engineering, mixing
George Marino – CD remastering
John Davis – 2014 reissue remastering