miercuri, 5 februarie 2025

Genesis - From Genesis to Revelation (Full album 1969)

“From Genesis to Revelation” is the debut studio album by the English rock band Genesis, released in March 1969 on Decca Records. The album originated from a collection of demos recorded in 1967 while the members of Genesis were pupils of Charterhouse in Godalming, Surrey. It caught the attention of Jonathan King who named the group, organised deals with his publishing company and Decca, and studio time at Regent Sound Studios to record a series of singles and a full album. A string section arranged and conducted by Arthur Greenslade was added later on some songs. By the time Genesis had finished recording, John Silver had replaced original drummer Chris Stewart.
The album and its singles were a commercial flop, and received a mixed to negative reaction from critics. By mid-1969, the group had severed ties with King and resumed education until they reformed and turned Genesis into a full-time band. The album spawned three singles; "The Silent Sun" and "A Winter's Tale" were released in 1968, followed by "Where the Sour Turns to Sweet" in 1969. In October 1974, after the group had grown in popularity, it peaked at No. 170 on the Billboard 200 in the US. King retains the rights to the album which has been reissued multiple times since, including a 1974 release as In the Beginning and a 1987 release as And the Word Was.... A reissue in 1990 and 2005 included a bonus disc with extra tracks.

“From Genesis to Revelation” este albumul de studio de debut al trupei engleze de rock Genesis, lansat in martie 1969 la Decca Records. Albumul provine dintr-o colectie de demo inregistrate in 1967, in timp ce membrii trupei erau inca elevi la Charterhouse in Godalming, Surrey. Aceasta a atras atentia lui Jonathan King care a denumit grupul, a organizat oferte cu compania lui de publicitate si Decca si a rezervat timp de studio la Regent Sound Studios pentru a inregistra o serie de single-uri si albumul complet. O intreaga sectiune de corzi, aranjata si condusa de Arthur Greenslade a fost adaugata mai tarziu la cateva cantece. Dupa ceva timp de la terminarea inregistrarii de catre Genesis, John Silver a inlocuit bateristul original Chris Stewart.
Albumul si single-urile au fost un esec comercial si au primit reactii de la amestecate pana la negative din partea criticii. Pe pe la mijlocul lui 1969, grupul a avut ceva legaturi cu King si si-au terminat educatia, pana cand au reformat si au schimbat Genesis intr-o trupa full time. Albumul a scos trei single-uri: “The Silent Sun” si “A Winter Tale” au fost lansate in 1968, urmate de “Where the Sour Turns to Sweeet” in 1969. In octombrie 1974, dupa ce grupul crescuse in popularitate, a atins locul 170 in Billboard 200 in Statele Unite. King retine drepturile pentru album care a fost relansat de mai multe ori de atunci, inclusiv o lansare in 1974 ca  “In the Beginning” si cea din 1987 ca “And the World Was”.O relansare din 1990 si cea din 2005 au inclus bonusuri de disc cu piese in plus. 

List of tracks
Side 1
1.       "Where the Sour Turns to Sweet"       3:14
2.       "In the Beginning"                                3:42
3.       "Fireside Song"                                    4:16
4.       "The Serpent"                                       4:36
5.       "Am I Very Wrong?"                             3:28
6.       "In the Wilderness"                               3:21

Side 2
1.       "The Conqueror"                                  3:44
2.       "In Hiding"                                            2:56
3.       "One Day"                                             3:16
4.       "Window"                                              3:53
5.       "In Limbo"                                             3:06
6.       "Silent Sun"                                          2:08
7.       "A Place to Call My Own"                    1:57

Peter Gabriel – lead vocals, flute
Tony Banks – Hammond organ, piano, backing vocals
Anthony Phillips – guitars, backing vocals
Mike Rutherford – bass guitar, guitar, backing vocals
John Silver – drums (except on "Silent Sun")

Additional musicians
Chris Stewart – drums on "Silent Sun"
Arthur Greenslade – strings and horn arrangement, conducting
Lou Warburton – strings and horn arrangement, conducting

Jonathan King – producer
Brian Roberts – recording engineer
Tom Allom – recording engineer
Robert Stace – printing