joi, 16 februarie 2017

Iron Butterfly - Heavy (Full Album) 1968

“Heavy” is the debut studio album by the rock band Iron Butterfly, released at January 22th 1968.
The first two tracks, "Unconscious Power" and "Possession", were released as the respective sides of a single.
Three of the group's members (Darryl DeLoach, Jerry Penrod, and Danny Weis) left the band shortly after the album was recorded, leaving Ingle and Bushy to find replacements. Despite being a debut album with no hit single to provide an entry point for the casual listener, “Heavy” was a commercial success, reaching number 78 on the Billboard Charts and eventually going Gold in the US.

“Heavy” este albumul de debut e studio al trupei de rock Iron Butterfly, lansat la 22 ianuarie 1968.
Primele doua piese, “Unconcious Power” si “Possession”, au fost lansate pe un single.
Trei mambri ai grupului (Darryl DeLoach, Jerry Penrod si Danny Weis) au parasite trupa la scurt timp dupa inregistrarea albumului, lasandu-I pe Ingle si Bushy sa gaseasca inlocuitori. In ciuda faptului ca a fost un album de debut fara nici un hit single care sa furnizeze un punct de intrare unui ascultator ocazional, “Heavy” a fost un success comercial, atingand locul 78 in clasamentul Bilboard si chiar obtinand aurul in Statele Unite.

List of tracks
Side 1
 1.      "Possession"                                 2:45
2.       "Unconscious Power"                   2:32
3.       "Get Out of My Life, Woman"       3:58
4.       "Gentle as It May Seem"               2:25
5.       "You Can't Win"                             2:41

Side 2
1.       "So-Lo"                             4:05
2.       "Look for the Sun"           2:14
3.       "Fields of Sun"                 3:12
4.       "Stamped Ideas"              2:08
5.       "Iron Butterfly Theme"    4:34

Iron Butterfly
Ron Bushy – drums
Darryl DeLoach – tambourine, vocals
Doug Ingle – organ, vocals
Jerry Penrod – bass, vocals
Danny Weis – guitar

Brian Stone – producer
Charles Greene – producer
Armando Busich – artwork
Joe Ravetz – photography