vineri, 17 ianuarie 2025

Glenn Miller Orchestra - In The Mood 1939

"In the Mood" is a popular big band-era No. 1 hit recorded by American bandleader Glenn Miller. It topped the charts for 13 straight weeks in 1940 in the U.S. and one year later was featured in the movie “Sun Valley Serenade”. "In the Mood" is based on the composition "Tar Paper Stomp" by Wingy Manone. The first recording under the name "In the Mood" was released by Edgar Hayes & His Orchestra in 1938.
In 1983, the Glenn Miller recording from 1939 was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. In 2004, the recording was inducted into the Library of Congress National Recording Registry which consists of recordings that are "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
In 1999, National Public Radio (NPR) included the 1939 Glenn Miller recording in its list of "The 100 most important American musical works of the 20th century".
Glenn Miller's "In the Mood", with "I Want to Be Happy" on the B-side, became the best-selling swing instrumental.

“In the Mood” este un slagar de locul 1 din era big band inregistrat de conducatorul de orchestra Glenn Miller. A stat in fruntea clasamentelor timp de 13 saptamani la rand in 1940 in SUA si un an mai tarziu a fost prezentat in filmul “Sun Valley Serenade”. “In the Mood” este bazat pe compozitia “Tar Paper Stomp” a lui Wingy Manone. Prima inregistrare sub numele de “In the Mood” a fost lansata de catre Edgar Hayes&His Orchestra in 1938.
In 1983 inregistrarea lui Glenn Miller din 1939 a fost introdusa in Grammy Hall of Fame”. In 2004 inregistrarea a fost introdusa in Registrul Inregistrarilor Bibliotecii Nationale a Congresului care consista din inregistrari care sunt”cultural, istoric si estetic semnificative”.
In 1999 Postul de Radio National din SUA a inclus inregitrarea din 1939 a lui Glenn Miller in lista sa de “Cele 100 mai importante lucrari musicale americane din sec. 20”.
Impreuna cu “I Want to Be Happy” pe fata a doua, a devenit cel mai bine vandut single de swing instrumental.