Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 is the Rhino
Entertainment and Warner Brothers release to the 2007 Eric Clapton Crossroads
Guitar Festival. The concert was recorded on July 28, 2007 at the Toyota Park
in Bridgeview, Illinois. The recordings were released on both Compact Disc and
DVD on November 28, 2007 in the United States. The CD and DVD releases sold
more than two million copies worldwide and reached various international
charts. All of the 28,000 concert ticket had been sold in less than 22 minutes, topping
the international concert sales chart in May 2007. All the ticket sales
proceeds from the event as well as the CD and DVD sales proceeds goes directly
to the Crossroads Foundation. The actual amount of recording that was done
throughout the whole concert day was eleven hours. The events host was Bill
Murray, who also played "Gloria" with Clapton at the beginning of the
event. Murray guided the viewers throughout the event, introduced artists and
recalled a little bit of their impact on the American music scene. He also put
on iconic outfits, that Clapton wore during his career: the suit and hair
Clapton wore, when performing for the Rainbow Concert in 1973 and being with
the band Cream throughout the 1960s.
AllMusic critic Hal Horowitz rates the release with four out of possible five
stars and thinks that "Guitar is the operative word here, since all the
participants are six-string players". Horowitz also rates the variety of
music genres as superb and sums his review up by saying: "The DTS surround
sound is superb, the camera work classy if occasionally too arty, and the
top-notch presentation worthy of the high-quality music and artists
Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 este lansarea facuta de
catre Rhino Entertainment si Warner Brothers pentru festivalul lui Eric Clapton
Crossroads Guitar Festival din 2007. Concertul a fost inregistrat pe 28 iulie
2007 la Toyota Park in Bridgeview, Illinois. Inregistrarile au fost lansate pe
CD si DVD pe 28 noiembrie 2007 in Statele Unite. Aceste lansari au fost vandute
in peste doua milioane de copii in lumea larga si au atins diverse locuri in
mai multe clasamente internationale.
Toate cele 28000 de bilete la concert au fost vandute in mai putin de 22 de
minute, fiind in fruntea clasamentelor la vanzari in anul 2007. Toate
incasarile de la vanzarea biletelor ca si cele din vanzarea CD-urilor si
DVD-urilor au mers direct la Fundatia Crossroads. Toata inregistrarea din acea
zi de concert a insumat 11 ore. Gazda evenimentului a fost Bill Murray, care a cantat
“Gloria” cu Clapton la inceputul concertului. Murray a fost un ghid pentru
public pe durata concertului, el facand si scurte reamintiri ale activitatii
artistilor din spectacol pe scenele americane si impactul muzicii lor. El a folosit de asemenea si imbracaminte
caracteristica, purtata de Clapton in timpul carierei lui: costumul si
pieptanatura lui Clapton la concertul Rainbow din 1973 si cele folosite in anii
’60 cu trupa Cream.
Criticul Hal Horowitz de la AllMusic a dat 4 din 5 stele pentru lansarea pe CD
si DVD si crede ca “Chitara este cuvantul operativ aici, deoarece participantii
sunt toti cantareti pe 6 corzi”. Horowitz considera ca varietatea genurilor muzicale
de acolo este superba si isi incheie recenzia spunand: “Sunetul DTS surround
este superb, camerele au lucrat cu clasa, chiar daca uneori prea cu arta si
prezentarea de prima clasa a fost vrednica de muzica de inalta calitate si
artistii implicati.”