sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2017

Electric Light Orchestra - The Electric Light Orchestra ( Full album 1971)

“The Electric Light Orchestra” is the eponymous debut studio album by English rock band Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), released in December 1971 in the United Kingdom by Harvest Records. In the United States, the album was released in early 1972 as “No Answer”, after a misunderstood telephone message made by a United Artists Records executive asking about the album name; the caller, having failed to reach the ELO contact, wrote down "no answer" in his notes, and this was misconstrued to be the name of the album.

“The Electric Light Orchesstra” este albumul eponim de studio de debut al trupei engleze de rock Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), lansat in decembrie 1971 in Marea Britanie de catre Harvest Records. In Statele Unite albumul a fost lansat la inceputul anului 1972 cu numele “No Answer” (fara raspuns), dupa o neintelegere a mesajului telefonic scris de catre un director executiv de la United Artists, care a sunat sa intrebe de numele albumului; neputand sa gaseasca pe nimeni de la ELO, acesta a scris in carnetel “no answer” si astfel s-a ajuns la acest nume de album.

List of tracks
Side 1
1.       "10538 Overture" (Jeff Lynne)    Jeff Lynne, Roy Wood          5:32
2.       "Look at Me Now" (Roy Wood) Roy Wood   3:17
3.       "Nellie Takes Her Bow" (Lynne) Jeff Lynne   5:59
4.       "The Battle of Marston Moor (July 2nd 1644)" (Wood)          Roy Wood   6:03

Side 2
5.       "First Movement (Jumping Biz)" (Wood)       Instrumental          3:00
6.       "Mr. Radio" (Lynne)         Jeff Lynne   5:04
7.       "Manhattan Rumble (49th Street Massacre)" (Lynne)          Instrumental          4:22
8.       "Queen of the Hours" (Lynne)   Jeff Lynne   3:22
9.       "Whisper in the Night" (Wood)  Roy Wood   4:50

Jeff Lynne – vocals, piano, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, percussion, bass, Moog synthesizer
Roy Wood – vocals, cello, classical acoustic guitar, bass, double bass, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, recorder, slide guitar, percussion, bass clarinet, krumhorn
Bev Bevan – drums, timpani, percussion
Bill Hunt – French horn, hunting horn, piccolo trumpet
Steve Woolam – violin
ELO, early 1972. Front, L to R: Roy Wood, Jeff Lynne, Bev Bevan. Centre, L to R: Wilf Gibson, Hugh McDowell, Bill Hunt. Back, L to R: Richard Tandy, Trevor Smith, Brian Jones