vineri, 17 ianuarie 2025

Glenn Miller Orchestra - In The Mood 1939

"In the Mood" is a popular big band-era No. 1 hit recorded by American bandleader Glenn Miller. It topped the charts for 13 straight weeks in 1940 in the U.S. and one year later was featured in the movie “Sun Valley Serenade”. "In the Mood" is based on the composition "Tar Paper Stomp" by Wingy Manone. The first recording under the name "In the Mood" was released by Edgar Hayes & His Orchestra in 1938.
In 1983, the Glenn Miller recording from 1939 was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. In 2004, the recording was inducted into the Library of Congress National Recording Registry which consists of recordings that are "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
In 1999, National Public Radio (NPR) included the 1939 Glenn Miller recording in its list of "The 100 most important American musical works of the 20th century".
Glenn Miller's "In the Mood", with "I Want to Be Happy" on the B-side, became the best-selling swing instrumental.

“In the Mood” este un slagar de locul 1 din era big band inregistrat de conducatorul de orchestra Glenn Miller. A stat in fruntea clasamentelor timp de 13 saptamani la rand in 1940 in SUA si un an mai tarziu a fost prezentat in filmul “Sun Valley Serenade”. “In the Mood” este bazat pe compozitia “Tar Paper Stomp” a lui Wingy Manone. Prima inregistrare sub numele de “In the Mood” a fost lansata de catre Edgar Hayes&His Orchestra in 1938.
In 1983 inregistrarea lui Glenn Miller din 1939 a fost introdusa in Grammy Hall of Fame”. In 2004 inregistrarea a fost introdusa in Registrul Inregistrarilor Bibliotecii Nationale a Congresului care consista din inregistrari care sunt”cultural, istoric si estetic semnificative”.
In 1999 Postul de Radio National din SUA a inclus inregitrarea din 1939 a lui Glenn Miller in lista sa de “Cele 100 mai importante lucrari musicale americane din sec. 20”.
Impreuna cu “I Want to Be Happy” pe fata a doua, a devenit cel mai bine vandut single de swing instrumental.

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Fleetwood Mac - Then Play On (Full album 1969)

“Then Play On” is the third studio album by British blues rock band Fleetwood Mac, released on 19 September 1969. It was the first of their original albums to feature Danny Kirwan and the last with Peter Green. Jeremy Spencer did not feature on the album apart from "a couple of piano things" (according to Mick Fleetwood in Q magazine in 1990). The album, appearing after the group's sudden success in the pop charts, offered a broader stylistic range than the classic blues of the group's first two albums. The album went on to reach #6 in the UK, subsequently becoming the band's fourth Top 20 hit in a row, as well as their third album to reach the Top 10. The title is taken from the opening line of William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night — "If music be the food of love, play on".
This was the band's first release with Warner/Reprise after being lured away from Blue Horizon and a one-off with Immediate Records. All subsequent Fleetwood Mac albums have been released on Warner. The album, which at its original UK release had an unusually long running time, has been released with four different song line-ups. The original CD compiled all songs from the two US LP versions, both of which omitted tracks from the original UK version. In August 2013, a remastered edition of the album was reissued on vinyl and CD, restoring its original 1969 UK track listing. This version reached No. 112 on the UK Albums chart.

“Then Play On” este al treilea album de studio al trupei britanice de blues-rock Fleetwood Mac, lansat la 19 septembrie 1969. A fost primul din albumele lor originale care il prezinta pe Danny Kirwan si ultimul cu Peter Green. Jeremy Spencer nu apare pe album decat cu “vreo doua lucruri la pian” (conform spuselor lui Mick Fleetwood in Q magazine in 1990). Albumul, aparut dupa succesul subit al trupei in clasamente, ofera o gama stilistica mai larga decat primele doua albume de blues clasic. Albumul a atins locul 6 in Marea Britanie, devenind ulterior al patrulea hit de top 20 al trupei la rand, precum si al treilea care intra in top 10. Titlul este luat din versul de deschidere la piesa "A douasprezecea noapte" de Shakespeare –“Daca muzica ar fi hrana dragostei, atunci cantati-o”.
Aceasta a fost prima lansare cu compania Warner/Reprise dupa ce au fost ademeniti de catre Blue Horizon si apoi o singura lansare la Immediate Records. Toate albumele Fleetwood Mac ce au urmat  au fost lansate la Warner. Albumul, care la lansarea britanica a avut o durata neobisnuita pentru a fi ascultat, a fost lansat cu 4 variante de liste de cantece. CD-ul original e alcatuit din toate cantecele de pe cele 2 versiuni americane, ambele omitand cantece de pe versiunea originala britanica. In august 2013, o editie reimbunatatita a albumului a fost relansata pe vinil si CD, restaurand lista originala de piese. Aceasta versiune a atins locul 12 in clasamentul britanic al albumelor.

List of tracks
Side 1
1.       "Coming Your Way"        Danny Kirwan         3:47
2.       "Closing My Eyes" Peter Green                     4:50
3.       "Fighting for Madge"       Mick Fleetwood     2:45
4.       "When You Say"    Kirwan                              4:22
5.       "Showbiz Blues"   Green                                3:50
6.       "Underway" Green                                          3:06
7.       "One Sunny Day"  Kirwan                              3:12

Side 2
1.       "Although the Sun Is Shining"  Kirwan       2:31
2.       "Rattlesnake Shake"        Green                   3:32
3.       "Without You"       Kirwan                              4:34
4.       "Searching for Madge"    John McVie          6:56
5.       "My Dream" Kirwan                                       3:35
6.       "Like Crying"         Kirwan                             2:21
7.       "Before the Beginning"   Green                    3:28

Fleetwood Mac
Peter Green – vocals, guitar, harmonica, six string bass, percussion, cello on "Oh Well, Pt. 2"
Danny Kirwan – vocals, guitar
John McVie – bass guitar
Mick Fleetwood – drums, percussion
Jeremy Spencer – piano on "Oh Well" (Pt. 2)

Additional uncredited personnel
Christine Perfect – piano
Sandra Elsdon – recorders on "Oh Well (Pt 2)"

Fleetwood Mac – producers
Martin Birch – engineer
Dinky Dawson – sound consultant

joi, 16 ianuarie 2025

Donna Summer - Greatest Hits ( Compilation)

LaDonna Adrian Gaines (December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012), widely known by her stage name based on her married name Donna Summer, was an American singer, songwriter and actress. She gained prominence during the disco era of the late 1970s. A five-time Grammy Award winner, Summer was the first artist in history to have three consecutive double albums reach number one on the United States Billboard 200 chart and charted four number-one singles in the US within a 12-month period. Summer has reportedly sold over 130 million records worldwide, making her one of the world's best-selling artists of all time. She also charted two number-one singles on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart in the US and a number-one single in the United Kingdom.
Summer earned a total of 42 hit singles on the US Billboard Hot 100 in her lifetime, with 14 of those reaching the top-ten. She claimed a top 40 hit every year between 1975 and 1984, and from her first top-ten hit in 1976, to the end of 1982, she had 12 top-ten hits (10 were top-five hits), more than any other act during that time period.

LaDonna Adrian Gaines (31 decembrie 1948-17 mai 2012), cunoscuta in lumea larga dupa numele ei de scena bazat pe casatorie, Donna Summer, a fost o cantareata, compozitoare, textiera si actrita americana. Si-a castigat notorietatea in timpul erei disco, spre sfarsitul anilor ’70. Castigatoare de 5 ori al premiului Grammy, Summer a fost primul artist in istorie care a avut trei dublu albume consecutive pe locul 1 in clasamentul Bilboard 200 din statele Unite si a clasat 4 single-uri de locuri 1 in Statele Unite in timp de 12 luni. Conform relatarilor, Summer a vandut peste 130 milioane de copii in lumea larga, fiind unul din artistii cei mai bine vanduti ai tuturorr timpurilor. De asemenea a clasat doua single-uri de locul 1 in clasamentul Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs din Statele Unite si un single de locul 1 in Marea Britanie.
Summer a avut un total de 42 de single-uri in clasamentul Bilboard Hot 100 in timpul vietii, cu 14 dintre ele intrand in Top 10. Ea a avut un hit in Top 40 in fiecare an din 1975 pana in 1984 si de la primul ei hit de Top 10 din 1976, pana la sfarsitul lui 1982, ea a avut 12 hit-uri de Top 10 (zece dintre ele fiind de Top 5), mai mult decat oricine in aceasta periaoda de timp.

List of tracks
1.On the Radio
2.Love to Love You Baby
3.Try Me, I Know We Can Make It
4.I Feel Love
5.Our Love
6.I Remember Yesterday
7.I Love You
8.Heaven Knows
9.Last Dance
10.MacArthur Park
11.Hot Stuf
12.Bad Girls
13.Dim All the Lights
14.Sunset People
15.No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
16.On the Radio (long version)


Simbol al intelepciunii din cele mai vechi timpuri, bufnita e pasare de prada, dupa cum bine stie toata lumea. Fiecare si-o reprezinta in altfel, insa, in realitate, exista numeroase specii de bufnite, de la maiestuoasele bufnite polare, imaculate si cu un aer nobiliar, la toate celelelalte pe care le puteti admira in galeria de mai jos. Fie ca va amuza, va impresioneaza sau va inspira sa faceti mai des vizite la Gradina Zoologica, fotografiile va vor aminti, cu siguranta, ca frumusetea naturii e adeseori mai diversificata decat poate mintea umana sa cuprinda.

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