duminică, 12 februarie 2017

Caini si pisici (dogs and cats)

Ren Netherland, autorul celor zece fotografii cu caini si pisici din aceasta galerie, e probabil cel mai titrat fotograf de animale din istoria ultimului secol. Cu toate acestea, si-a inceput cariera de fotograf in timp ce facea armata, la Marina. A descoperit, insa, ca marea lui pasiune e fotografia de animale, asa ca s-a apucat de asta inca de pe-atunci, cand portretele prietenilor oamenilor nu erau inca in voga. Cu toate acestea, si-a pus pe picioare propriul studio foto specializat in animale in Florida, iar imaginile pe care le-a produs acolo au ajuns in paginile celor mai bine vandute reviste si calendare. In 2003 era deja prea celebru ca sa mai faca fata cererii din micutul lui studio, asa ca a deschis un studio digital mobil, cu care calatoreste pe tot cuprinsul Statelor Unite, fotografiind momente speciale intre oameni si animalele lor de companie.

Ren Netherland, author of ten photographs of dogs and cats in this gallery, is probably the most overrated animal photographer in the history of the last century. However, he began his career as a photographer while doing army at Marina. He found, however, that his great passion is photography of animals, so he grabbed it since back then, when people’s  friends portraits were not yet in vogue. However, he put up his own photo studio specialized in animals in Florida, and the images he produced there reached the pages of best selling magazines and calendars. In 2003 he was already too famous to make good demand from baby's studio, so he opened a mobile digital studio, which travels across the United States photographing special moments between people and their pets.