“Sad Wings of Destiny” is the second studio album by
English heavy metal band Judas Priest, released on 23 March 1976 by Gull
Records. It is considered the album on which Judas Priest consolidated their
sound and image, and songs from it such as "Victim of Changes" and
"The Ripper" have since become live standards. It was the band's only
album to feature drummer Alan Moore.
Noted for its riff-driven sound and the wide range of Rob Halford's vocals, the album displays a wide variety of styles, moods, and textures, inspired by an array of groups such as Queen, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath. The centrepiece "Victim of Changes" is an eight-minute track featuring heavy riffing trading off with high-pitched vocals, extended guitar leads, and a slow, moody breakdown toward the end. "Tyrant" and "The Ripper" are short, dense, high-powered rockers with many parts and changes. Riffs and solos dominate "Genocide", "Island of Domination", and "Deceiver", and the band finds more laid-back moments in the crooning piano-backed "Epitaph" and the moody "Dreamer Deceiver".
“Sad Wings of Destiny” had a positive reception but weak sales. The band recorded their first two albums with the independent Gull label under tight budgets; after living off a single meal per day while working side jobs to support themselves, the group grew frustrated with the financial situation and signed with CBS Records for their next album, “Sin After Sin” (1977). Breaking their contract resulted in the rights to “Sad Wings of Destiny” and its demo recordings falling into Gull's hands.
Noted for its riff-driven sound and the wide range of Rob Halford's vocals, the album displays a wide variety of styles, moods, and textures, inspired by an array of groups such as Queen, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath. The centrepiece "Victim of Changes" is an eight-minute track featuring heavy riffing trading off with high-pitched vocals, extended guitar leads, and a slow, moody breakdown toward the end. "Tyrant" and "The Ripper" are short, dense, high-powered rockers with many parts and changes. Riffs and solos dominate "Genocide", "Island of Domination", and "Deceiver", and the band finds more laid-back moments in the crooning piano-backed "Epitaph" and the moody "Dreamer Deceiver".
“Sad Wings of Destiny” had a positive reception but weak sales. The band recorded their first two albums with the independent Gull label under tight budgets; after living off a single meal per day while working side jobs to support themselves, the group grew frustrated with the financial situation and signed with CBS Records for their next album, “Sin After Sin” (1977). Breaking their contract resulted in the rights to “Sad Wings of Destiny” and its demo recordings falling into Gull's hands.
“Sad Wings of Destiny” este al doilea album de studio al
trupei engleze de heavy metal Judas Priest, lansat la 23 martie 1976 de catre
Gull Records.Este considerat albumul pe care Judas Priest si-a consolidat sunetul
si imaginea si cantece de pe el ca “Victim of Changes” si “The Ripper” au
devenit de atunci piese standard la performantele live. A fost singurul album
al trupei cu bateristul Alan Moore.
Remarcat pentru sunetul principal de riff si gama vocala larga a lui Halford, albumul prezinta o larga varietate de stiluri, stari si tesaturi, inspirate de o multime de grupuri cum ar fi Queen, Deep Purple si Black Sabbath. Piesa centrala “Victim of Changes” este una de opt minute care prezinta un riff greu ce tranzactioneaza cu vocalizele inalte, solo-urile extinse de chitara si cu o inceata destramare a starii de spirit catre final. “Tyrant” si “The Ripper” sunt scurte, dense, cu un rock puternic, in multe parti si schimbari. Riff-urile si solo-urile domina “Genocide”, “Island of Domination” si “Deceiver” si trupa gaseste mai multe momente de relaxare in “mormaiala” pianului din “Epitah” si in iritata “Dreamer Deceiver”.
“Sad Wings of Destiny” a avut o receptie pozitiva, dar vanzari slabe. Trupa a inregistrat primele doua albume cu marca independenta Gull, cu bugete mici; dupa ce au trait cu o masa pe zi in timp ce munceau la slujbe ca sa se poata intretine, frustrarea grupului a crescut datorita situatiei finaciare si atunci au semnat cu CBS Records pentru urmatorul album “Sin After Sin” (1977). Rupand contractul lor a rezultat ca drepturile pentru “Sad Wings of Destiny” si inregistrarile lui demo au revenit in mainile celor de la Gull.
Remarcat pentru sunetul principal de riff si gama vocala larga a lui Halford, albumul prezinta o larga varietate de stiluri, stari si tesaturi, inspirate de o multime de grupuri cum ar fi Queen, Deep Purple si Black Sabbath. Piesa centrala “Victim of Changes” este una de opt minute care prezinta un riff greu ce tranzactioneaza cu vocalizele inalte, solo-urile extinse de chitara si cu o inceata destramare a starii de spirit catre final. “Tyrant” si “The Ripper” sunt scurte, dense, cu un rock puternic, in multe parti si schimbari. Riff-urile si solo-urile domina “Genocide”, “Island of Domination” si “Deceiver” si trupa gaseste mai multe momente de relaxare in “mormaiala” pianului din “Epitah” si in iritata “Dreamer Deceiver”.
“Sad Wings of Destiny” a avut o receptie pozitiva, dar vanzari slabe. Trupa a inregistrat primele doua albume cu marca independenta Gull, cu bugete mici; dupa ce au trait cu o masa pe zi in timp ce munceau la slujbe ca sa se poata intretine, frustrarea grupului a crescut datorita situatiei finaciare si atunci au semnat cu CBS Records pentru urmatorul album “Sin After Sin” (1977). Rupand contractul lor a rezultat ca drepturile pentru “Sad Wings of Destiny” si inregistrarile lui demo au revenit in mainile celor de la Gull.
List of tracks
Side 1
1. "Victim
of Changes" 7:47
2. "The
Ripper" 2:50
3. "Dreamer
Deceiver" 5:51
4. "Deceiver" 2:40
Side 2
5. "Prelude" 2:02
6. "Tyrant" 4:28
7. "Genocide" 5:51
8. "Epitaph" 3:08
9. "Island
of Domination" 4:32
The band and production staff of Sad Wings of Destiny
Rob Halford – vocals
K. K. Downing – guitars
Glenn Tipton – guitars, piano, organ
Ian Hill – bass
Alan Moore – drums
Produced by Jeffrey Calvert, Max West, and Judas Priest
Engineered by Jeffrey Calvert, Max West, and Chris
Cover concept by Neil French; painting by Patrick
Art direction by John Pasche
Band photographs by Lorentz Gullachsen and Alan Johnson