duminică, 12 august 2018

Rush - Rush (Full album 1974)

“Rush” is the debut studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released on March 1, 1974 by the band's own label Moon Records in Canada and by Mercury Records in the United States and internationally. Their first release shows much of the hard rock sound typical of many of the popular rock bands emerging earlier in the decade. Rush were fans of such bands as Led Zeppelin and Cream, and these influences can be heard in most of the songs on the album.
Original drummer John Rutsey performed all drum parts on the album, but was unable to go on extended tours because of complications with his diabetes and so he retired from the band after the album was released. Rutsey contributed to the album's lyrics, but never submitted the work to the other members of the band. The lyrics were instead entirely composed by Lee and Lifeson. Rutsey was soon replaced by Neil Peart, who remained the band's drummer as well as their primary lyricist.

“Rush” este albumul de studio de debut al trupei canadiene de rock Rush, lansat pe 1 martie 1974 de propria marca a trupei, Moon Records, in Canada si de catre Mercury Records in Statele Unite si in restul lumii. Prima lor lansare arata mult din sunetul tipic de hard rock al multor trupe de rock de la inceputul anilor ’70. Rush au fost fani Led Zeppelin si Cream si aceste influente pot fi auzite in cele mai multe cantece de pe album.
Bateristul initial, John Rutsey a efectuat toate partile de baterie de pe album, dar nu a putut merge in turnee datorita complicatiilor sale diabetice si s-a retras din trupa dupa lansarea albumului. Rutsey a contribuit la versurile din album, dar nu a aratat niciodata munca sa colegilor de trupa. Versurile in schimb au fost scrise integral de Lee si Lifeson. Rutsey a fost inlocuit curand de catre Neil Part, care a ramas bateristul trupei si principalul textier.

List of tracks
1.       "Finding My Way"            5:03
2.       "Need Some Love"          2:16
3.       "Take a Friend"                4:27
4.       "Here Again"                    7:30
5.       "What You're Doing"       4:19
6.       "In the Mood" (Lee)         3:36
7.       "Before and After"           5:33
8.       "Working Man"                7:07

Geddy Lee – lead vocals, bass
Alex Lifeson – guitars, backing vocals
John Rutsey – drums, percussion, backing vocals