luni, 15 octombrie 2018

The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night (Full album 1964)

“A Hard Day's Night” is the third studio album by the English rock band the Beatles, released on 10 July 1964, with side one containing songs from the soundtrack to their film of the same name. The American version of the album was released two weeks earlier, on 26 June 1964 by United Artists Records, with a different track listing. In contrast to their first two albums, all 13 tracks on “A Hard Day's Night” were written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney showcasing the development of their songwriting talents. The album includes the title track, with its distinct opening chord, and the previously released "Can't Buy Me Love", both transatlantic number-one singles for the band.
The title of the album was the accidental creation of drummer Ringo Starr. According to Lennon in a 1980 interview with Playboy magazine: "I was going home in the car and Dick Lester [director of the movie] suggested the title, 'Hard Day's Night' from something Ringo had said. I had used it in “In His Own Write”, but it was an off-the-cuff remark by Ringo. You know, one of those malapropisms. A Ringo-ism, where he said it not to be funny ... just said it. So Dick Lester said, 'We are going to use that title.'"

“A Hard Day’s Night” este al treilea album de studio al trupei engleze de rock Beatles, lansat pe 10 iulie 1964, cu fata 1 continand cantece de pe muzica filmului lor cu acelasi titlu. Versiunea americana a albumului a fost lansata doua saptamani mai devreme, pe 26 iunie 1964, de catre United Artists Records, cu o lista de piese diferita. In contrast cu primele lor doua albume, toate cele 13 piese de pe "A “ard Day’s Night” au fost scrise de John Lennon si Paul McCartney, demontrand dezvoltarea talentelor lor de compozitori si textieri. Albumul include piesa omonima, cu acordurile ei distincte din deschidere, sip e cea lansata anterior “Can’t Buy Me Love”, ambele devenite numarul 1 peste ocean la single-uri.
Titlul albumului a fost creatia accidental a bateristului Ringo Starr. Conform lui Lennon, intr-un interviu din 1980 pentru revista Playboy :”Mergeam spre casa cu masina si Dick Lester (regizorul filmului) a sugerat titlul albumului din ceva ce Ringo spusese. Am folosit asta in “In His Own Words”, dar a fost o remarca “scoasa din maneca” de catre Ringo. Stii, o expresie folosita gresit, un “ringoism”, unde a spus-o el nu era amuzant…doar a spus-o. Asa ca Dick Lester a spus - Vom folosi asta ca titlu.”

List of tracks
Side 1
1.       "A Hard Day's Night"       Lennon with McCartney  2:34
2.       "I Should Have Known Better"  Lennon        2:43
3.       "If I Fell"      Lennon with McCartney  2:19
4.       "I'm Happy Just to Dance with You"   Harrison       1:56
5.       "And I Love Her"   McCartney   2:30
6.       "Tell Me Why"        Lennon        2:09
7.       "Can't Buy Me Love"       McCartney   2:12

Side 2
1.       "Any Time at All"   Lennon        2:11
2.       "I'll Cry Instead"    Lennon        1:45
3.       "Things We Said Today" McCartney   2:35
4.       "When I Get Home"         Lennon        2:17
5.       "You Can't Do That"        Lennon        2:35
6.       "I'll Be Back"          Lennon and McCartney   2:24

The Beatles
John Lennon – vocals; acoustic and rhythm guitars; piano; harmonica
Paul McCartney – vocals; bass guitar; piano; cowbell
George Harrison – vocals; lead (six- and twelve-string) and acoustic guitars
Ringo Starr – drums, percussion

Additional personnel
George Martin – piano, production