“Freak Out!” is the debut record by the American rock
band the Mothers of Invention, released June 27, 1966 on Verve Records. Often
cited as one of rock music's first concept albums, the album is a satirical
expression of frontman Frank Zappa's perception of American pop culture and the
nascent freak scene of Los Angeles. It was also one of the earliest double
albums in rock music, and the first two-record debut album. In the UK, the
album was originally released as an edited single disc.
The album was produced by Tom Wilson, who signed The Mothers, formerly a bar band called the Soul Giants. Zappa said many years later that Wilson signed the group to a record deal in the belief that they were a white blues band. The album features Zappa on vocals and guitar, along with lead vocalist/tambourine player Ray Collins, bass player/vocalist Roy Estrada, drummer/vocalist Jimmy Carl Black and guitar player Elliot Ingber (later of Captain Beefheart's Magic Band, performing there under the pseudonym "Winged Eel Fingerling").
The band's original repertoire consisted of rhythm and blues covers, but after Zappa joined the band he encouraged them to play his own original material, and the name was changed to The Mothers. The musical content of Freak Out! ranges from rhythm and blues, doo-wop and standard blues-influenced rock to orchestral arrangements and avant-garde sound collages. Although the album was initially poorly received in the United States, it was a success in Europe. It gained a cult following in America, where it continued to sell in substantial quantities until it was discontinued in the early 1970s.
In 1999, the album was honored with the Grammy Hall of Fame Award, and in 2003, Rolling Stone ranked it among the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time". In 2006, The MOFO Project/Object, an audio documentary on the making of the album, was released in honor of its 40th anniversary.
The album was produced by Tom Wilson, who signed The Mothers, formerly a bar band called the Soul Giants. Zappa said many years later that Wilson signed the group to a record deal in the belief that they were a white blues band. The album features Zappa on vocals and guitar, along with lead vocalist/tambourine player Ray Collins, bass player/vocalist Roy Estrada, drummer/vocalist Jimmy Carl Black and guitar player Elliot Ingber (later of Captain Beefheart's Magic Band, performing there under the pseudonym "Winged Eel Fingerling").
The band's original repertoire consisted of rhythm and blues covers, but after Zappa joined the band he encouraged them to play his own original material, and the name was changed to The Mothers. The musical content of Freak Out! ranges from rhythm and blues, doo-wop and standard blues-influenced rock to orchestral arrangements and avant-garde sound collages. Although the album was initially poorly received in the United States, it was a success in Europe. It gained a cult following in America, where it continued to sell in substantial quantities until it was discontinued in the early 1970s.
In 1999, the album was honored with the Grammy Hall of Fame Award, and in 2003, Rolling Stone ranked it among the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time". In 2006, The MOFO Project/Object, an audio documentary on the making of the album, was released in honor of its 40th anniversary.
“Freak Out!” este albumul de debut al trupei americane
The Mothers of Invention, lansat pe 27 iunie 1966 prin Verve Records.
Considerat adesea ca unul din primele albume conceptuale din muzica rock,
materialul reprezintă expresia satirică a percepției liderului formației, Frank
Zappa, asupra culturii pop americane. Discul a fost de asemenea unul din primele
albume duble din muzica rock. În Regatul Unit, însă, albumul a fost lansat sub
forma unui singur disc.
Albumul a fost produs de Tom Wilson, care semnase cu The Mothers - un grup care la început cânta prin baruri și se numea The Soul Giants. Zappa a spus mulți ani mai târziu că Wilson le oferise un contract crezând că The Mothers sunt o trupă de blues. Pe album se găsesc vocalistul Ray Collins, basistul Roy Estrada, bateristul Jimmy Carl Black și chitaristul Elliot Ingber, care mai târziu se va alătura formației lui Captain Beefheart, The Magic Band sub numele de Winged Eel Fingerling.
Repertoriul original al grupului era format din piese cover rhythm and blues; cu toate acestea după ce Zappa s-a alăturat trupei, i-a încurajat pe restul membrilor să cânte materiale originale scrise de acesta, iar numele formației a fost schimbat în The Mothers. Conținutul muzical de pe Freak Out! variază de la rhythm and blues, doo-wop și muzică rock cu influențe de blues la aranjamente orchestrale și colaje sonore de avangardă. Deși, inițial, albumul nu a impresionat în Statele Unite, a fost un succes în Europa. În America a căpătat statutul de album cult continuând să se vândă în cantități substanțiale până la începutul anilor '70.
Albumul a influențat producția discului Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band al celor de la The Beatles. În 1999, Freak Out! a primit premiul Grammy Hall of Fame iar în 2003 a fost inclus în Lista celor mai bune 500 de albume ale tuturor timpurilor stabilită de revista Rolling Stone. În 2006, The MOFO Project/Object, un documentar audio despre realizarea albumului a fost lansat cu ocazia împlinirii a 40 de ani de la apariția materialului.
Albumul a fost produs de Tom Wilson, care semnase cu The Mothers - un grup care la început cânta prin baruri și se numea The Soul Giants. Zappa a spus mulți ani mai târziu că Wilson le oferise un contract crezând că The Mothers sunt o trupă de blues. Pe album se găsesc vocalistul Ray Collins, basistul Roy Estrada, bateristul Jimmy Carl Black și chitaristul Elliot Ingber, care mai târziu se va alătura formației lui Captain Beefheart, The Magic Band sub numele de Winged Eel Fingerling.
Repertoriul original al grupului era format din piese cover rhythm and blues; cu toate acestea după ce Zappa s-a alăturat trupei, i-a încurajat pe restul membrilor să cânte materiale originale scrise de acesta, iar numele formației a fost schimbat în The Mothers. Conținutul muzical de pe Freak Out! variază de la rhythm and blues, doo-wop și muzică rock cu influențe de blues la aranjamente orchestrale și colaje sonore de avangardă. Deși, inițial, albumul nu a impresionat în Statele Unite, a fost un succes în Europa. În America a căpătat statutul de album cult continuând să se vândă în cantități substanțiale până la începutul anilor '70.
Albumul a influențat producția discului Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band al celor de la The Beatles. În 1999, Freak Out! a primit premiul Grammy Hall of Fame iar în 2003 a fost inclus în Lista celor mai bune 500 de albume ale tuturor timpurilor stabilită de revista Rolling Stone. În 2006, The MOFO Project/Object, un documentar audio despre realizarea albumului a fost lansat cu ocazia împlinirii a 40 de ani de la apariția materialului.
List of tracks
Side 1
1. "Hungry
Freaks, Daddy" 3:32
2. "I
Ain't Got No Heart" 2:34
3. "Who
Are the Brain Police?" 3:25
4. "Go Cry
on Somebody Else's Shoulder" 3:43
5. "Motherly
Love" 2:50
6. "How
Could I Be Such a Fool" 2:16
Side 2
7. "Wowie
Zowie" 2:55
8. "You
Didn't Try to Call Me" 3:21
9. "Any
Way the Wind Blows" 2:55
10. "I'm
Not Satisfied" 2:41
11. "You're
Probably Wondering Why I'm Here" 3:41
Side 3
12. "Trouble
Every Day" 5:53
13. "Help,
I'm a Rock (Suite in Three Movements)
I. Okay to Tap Dance
II. In Memoriam, Edgard Varèse
III. It Can't Happen Here"
Side 4
14. "The
Return of the Son of Monster Magnet (Unfinished Ballet in Two Tableaux) 12:22
I. Ritual Dance of the Child-Killer
II. Nullis Pretii (No Commercial Potential)"
The Mothers of Invention
Frank Zappa – guitar, conductor, vocals
Jimmy Carl Black – percussion, drums, vocals
Ray Collins – vocals, harmonica, cymbals, sound effects,
tambourine, finger cymbals, bobby pin & tweezers
Roy Estrada – bass & guitarrón, boy soprano
Elliot Ingber – alternate lead & rhythm guitar with
clear white light
The Mothers' Auxiliary
Gene Estes – percussion
Eugene Di Novi – piano
Neil Le Vang – guitar
John Rotella – clarinet, sax
Carol Kaye – 12-string guitar
Kurt Reher – cello
Raymond Kelley – cello
Paul Bergstrom – cello
Emmet Sargeant – cello
Joseph Saxon – cello
Edwin V. Beach – cello
Arthur Maebe – French horn, tuba
Motorhead Sherwood – noises
Kim Fowley – hypophone
Mac Rebennack – piano
Paul Butterfield – vocals
Les McCann – piano
Jeannie Vassoir – (the voice of Cheese)
Production credits
Musical director, orchestrator, and arranger: Frank Zappa
Producer: Tom Wilson
Engineering director: Val Valentin
Engineers: Ami, Tom, Val Valentin
Assistants: Eugene Dinovi, Neil Levang, Vito, Ken Watson
Cover design: Jack Anesh
Hair stylist: Ray Collins
L to R- Frank Zappa, Elliot Ingber, Ray Collins, Jimmy
Carl Black, Roy Estrada-1966