“Whoosh!” is the twenty-first studio album by English rock
band Deep Purple, released on 7 August 2020. The group collaborated with
producer Bob Ezrin again for the album. Its release was promoted by a series of
press statements from singer Ian Gillan, such as "Another album?! Whoosh?!!
Gordon Bennett!!!". He explained the album's title was chosen for its
onomatopeic qualities, and "when viewed through one end of a
radio-telescope, describes the transient nature of humanity on Earth".
However, he also said fans should simply listen to the album as an enjoyable
Three songs from the album were released as digital singles, beginning with "Throw My Bones". The instrumental "And the Address" first appeared as the opening track on the band's 1968 debut album “Shades of Deep Purple”. The only musician to feature on both recordings was drummer Ian Paice. The album received mixed to favourable reviews. Several publications noticed the album contained relatively short tracks and praised the economical songwriting style. A review in NME said the album sounded nothing like contemporary music of 2020, but suggested that "maybe that's a good thing".
Three songs from the album were released as digital singles, beginning with "Throw My Bones". The instrumental "And the Address" first appeared as the opening track on the band's 1968 debut album “Shades of Deep Purple”. The only musician to feature on both recordings was drummer Ian Paice. The album received mixed to favourable reviews. Several publications noticed the album contained relatively short tracks and praised the economical songwriting style. A review in NME said the album sounded nothing like contemporary music of 2020, but suggested that "maybe that's a good thing".
“Whoosh!” este al 21-lea album de studio al trupei
engleze de rock Deep Purple, lansat la 7 august 2020. Grupul a colaborat din
nou cu producatorul Bob Ezrin pentru album. Lansarea a fost promovata prin
cateva serii de declaratii ale vocalistului Ian Gillan, ca “Alt album?!
Whoosh?!! Gordon Benett!!!”. El a explicat ca titlul albumului a fost ales
pentru calitatile sale onomatopeice si “vederea printr-un radiotelescop,
descrie natura efemera a umanitatii pe Pamant”. Totusi, el a spus ca fanii ar
trebui doar sa asculte albumul ca pe o experienta placuta.
Trei cantece de pe album au fost lansate ca single-uri digitale, incepand cu “Throw My Bones”. Piesa instrumentala “And the Adress” a aparut mai intai ca deschidere pe albumul de debut din 1968 “Shades of Deep Puple”. Singurul musician care a participat la ambele inregistrari este Ian Paice. Albumul a primit recenzii amestecate, mergand spre favorabile. Cateva publicatii notau ca albumul contine piese relative scurte si laudau economia stilului componistic. O recenzie de la NME spune ca albumul nu suna ca muzica actuala din 2020, dar sugereaza ca “poate acesta e un lucru bun”.
Trei cantece de pe album au fost lansate ca single-uri digitale, incepand cu “Throw My Bones”. Piesa instrumentala “And the Adress” a aparut mai intai ca deschidere pe albumul de debut din 1968 “Shades of Deep Puple”. Singurul musician care a participat la ambele inregistrari este Ian Paice. Albumul a primit recenzii amestecate, mergand spre favorabile. Cateva publicatii notau ca albumul contine piese relative scurte si laudau economia stilului componistic. O recenzie de la NME spune ca albumul nu suna ca muzica actuala din 2020, dar sugereaza ca “poate acesta e un lucru bun”.
List of tracks
1."Throw My Bones" 3:38
2."Drop the Weapon" 4:23
3."We're All the Same in the Dark" 3:44
4."Nothing at All" 4:42
5."No Need to Shout" 3:30
6."Step by Step" 3:34
7."What the What" 3:32
8."The Long Way Around" 5:39
9."The Power of the Moon" 4:08
10"Remission Possible (instrumental)" 1:38
11."Man Alive" 5:35
12."And the Address (instrumental)" 3:35
13."Dancing in My Sleep" 3:51
Deep Purple
Ian Gillan – vocals
Steve Morse – guitars
Roger Glover – bass
Ian Paice – drums
Don Airey – keyboards
Bob Ezrin – producer